Why management responsibility for Public Land is being transferred to the Authority

The coasts and parks along the Great Ocean Road are so special, and so important to Victorians, that the Victorian Government established the Authority as a dedicated public land and parks manager.

We will have remit for the coast and parks along the full length of the Great Ocean Road, enabling a strategic response to the impacts of increasing visitation, environmental forces, severe weather events and climate change.

As the dedicated parks manager our purpose is to protect, conserve, enhance and manage public land. We are also the designated lead agency for visitation management policy, planning and infrastructure for the coast and parks along the Great Ocean Road.

Establishing the Authority was a key recommendation from the bi-partisan Great Ocean Road Taskforce and outlined in the Government’s Great Ocean Road Action Plan.

All revenue raised on the land we manage is reinvested back into the Great Ocean Road coast and parks to ensure the Great Ocean Road region can be enjoyed now and for generations to come.

A land or water parcel is an individual piece of land for which a land title has been issued.

We work closely with the different land managers to ensure a smooth transition of management responsibility for these parcels so the local community and visitors should not experience any change in the way they use the areas. While our short-to-medium term management of this land and water will remain consistent with that applied by the previous land managers, we are engaging with community to best understand the areas and shape our management plans for the future.

We’re also working with Traditional Owners to respect the cultural values and aspirations of the land and waters.

Land management responsibility being transferred to the Authority

Click on the locations below to read more about areas where land management responsibility is being transferred to the Authority. We would love to learn more about what you value about these land parcels and your aspirations for the future use of the land.