Cosy Up Survey - Now Closed

In 2024 we are working together to develop an adaptation plan and design for the timber seawall at Cosy Corner in Torquay following the direction of the Marine and Coastal Policy 2020 and Victoria’s Resilient Coast – Adapting for 2100+ framework and guidelines.

The aim of the timber seawall adaptation plan is to increase Cosy Corner's resilience and better protect it against coastal hazards such as erosion and inundation which are set to increase in magnitude and frequency due to climate change and sea level rise.

Currently at Stage 2 of the coastal adaptation planning process, we’re inviting community, other key stakeholders and Rights Holders to share their knowledge, interests, values, and concerns with us to inform future stages of the project, and together, we can plan for a resilient coast.

This survey has three sections and takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Please complete Section 1 - Community Values, Section 2 - Coastal Hazards and Seawall Upgrade, and Section 3 - A bit about you. Then review and submit your responses.

This survey closed on Friday 3rd May. Please email if you would like to send us a written submission.