1. Maintain Current Seawall & Rockbags
Maintaining and monitoring the existing vertical seawall will not require any excavation, there will be minimal disturbance to cultural heritage.
The much-loved timber seawall at Cosy Corner, built in the 1950’s and rebuilt or repaired several times, has deteriorated beyond repair. A row of rock bags were placed at the toe of the structure in March 2023 to reduce further undermining whilst adaptation planning and design work was undertaken to determine how to best upgraded the seawall.
In 2024 we are working together to develop an adaptation plan and design for the timber seawall at Cosy Corner in Torquay and want to engage with beach users, community members and other key stakeholders to help inform the seawall upgrade.
The aim of the timber seawall adaptation plan is to increase Cosy Corner's resilience and better protect it against coastal hazards, set to increase in magnitude and frequency due to climate change and sea level rise.
The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority are taking a partnership approach to plan for and manage coastal hazards along our beloved coastline, now and into the future.
Our approach is following the direction of the Marine and Coastal Policy 2020 and Victoria’s Resilient Coast – Adapting for 2100+ framework and guidelines.
Currently will be entering in to Stage 5 of the planning process from the 26th of June.
We are engaging with community at every stage of the process because whilst there are many steps involved in coastal adaptation planning, it is the community values and local knowledge that help to provide a foundation for confirming coastal values and objectives, and ultimately tailoring adaptation options.
Stage 1 - Project Scoping and Preparation
Work on Stage 1 was completed earlier this year and provides a foundation for commencing/progressing coastal hazard risk management and adaptation planning, aligned to best practice guidance, for the Anglesea coast.
A key deliverable for Stage 1 was the Project Plan for Anglesea Coast Adaptation Planning. The plan is supported by all project partners and outlines the following:
• the need for action – refined through the collaborative work of the scoping stage
• the project study area
• the project governance model
• the proposed collaborative process for the project, including a Communication and Engagement Plan
• the scope the work required for each Stage
• supporting documentation (e.g. MoU arrangements, funding agreements, other).
Stage 2 - Values, Vision and Objectives
Work on Stage 2 of this project was completed this April and May to ensure coastal hazard risk management and adaptation planning at Cosy Corner was underpinned by place-based values and a shared vision and objectives.
Our engagement for this project was titled Cosy Up and featured an online have your say page and survey, on-site activities such as 'walk and talks' and information sessions as well as large site signage.
A key output at this stage was our Stage 2 Summary Engagement Report which captures key themes from what we heard from community at this stage. The report reflects community values, aspiration and concerns which will help shape our adaptation planning at Cosy Corner and ensure it reflects local values and knowledge.
Stage 3 - Coastal Hazard Exposure
Stage 3 was completed in the first half of 2024 when we assess coastal hazard exposure for the study area, including hazard data / scenarios that enable best practice approaches to risk assessment and adaptation planning.
Work done at Stage 3 provide this project with a better understanding of the study area and geomorphic setting, coastal processes including history of coastal change and drivers of change and different hazard scenarios and their impact at Cosy Corner.
Stage 3 also produced a technical coastal hazard assessment report and hazard exposure data/maps to inform future Stages of this project.
Stage 4 - Vulnerability and Risk
Work recently completed at Stage 4 of this project provided us with a greater understanding of place-based coastal hazard vulnerability and risk for Cosy Corner which enables a strategic approach to considering coastal hazard risk and adaptation needs.
For context coastal vulnerability is defined as the susceptibility of people and places along the coast to adverse impacts from coastal hazards. It includes the degree of exposure, and ability to cope with, respond to and adapt to coastal hazards.
Likewise, the term risk assessment is defined as a systematic process of
evaluating the potential risks (likelihood and
consequence) of coastal hazards, helping
to inform a risk management response and
adaptation actions.
The outputs of the coastal hazard vulnerability risk and economic assessments at this such support our work in:
• developing an overall narrative of coastal hazard vulnerabilities.
• summarising the coastal hazard risk assessment results, highlighting high risk areas and issues, and the changing risk profile to 2100.
• identifying where broader strategic actions may apply across multiple areas to address vulnerabilities and risk
• identifying focus areas/issues for finer scale risk management and adaptation planning, including localities for tailored adaptation pathways
Project Update: We are currently at Stage 5 of the coastal adaptation planning process for the timber seawall upgrade where we consider potential adaptation options and their suitability for Cosy Corner.
What you tell us now will help shape the concept design for the timber seawall upgrade. When the concept design is developed we will bring it back to the community so we can receive your feedback/input again.
The options presented below (in no particular order) have been put forward based on work done in Stages 1 to 4 of the planning process, including:
For a long list of adaptation options with a multi criteria analysis and additional information click here.
Maintaining and monitoring the existing vertical seawall will not require any excavation, there will be minimal disturbance to cultural heritage.
This option involves a managed relocation of infrastructure and people away from coastal hazard areas. Coastal setback zones will be established, and restoration and protection of natural coastal ecosystems will be ensured.
New vertical seawall can effectively dissipate wave impact and prevent overtopping and provide enhanced protection to the foreshore.
New rock seawall can effectively dissipate wave impact and prevent overtopping and provide enhanced protection to the foreshore.
New sloped/stepped seawall can effectively dissipate wave impact and prevent overtopping and provide enhanced protection to the foreshore.
This option retains and stabilises the foreshore by creating a sand buffer for wave impact and erosion, offers less coastal protection than other hard structures.
We would genuinely love to hear your feedback on the adaptation options shown above as we progress towards a concept design later this year. Please note this is just a quick poll, for longer responses please email us at haveyoursay@greatoceanroadauthority.vic.gov.au (max 140 characters).
Join the conversation today. Create an account or log in to share your thoughts and ideas.
We thank the 94 community members who completed the online survey, and the 24 people who provided their insights via one of the ‘walk and talk’ sessions we held at Cosy Corner at Stage 2 of this project. Below you can read and download our Engagement Summary Report and provide your feedback on this report.
We would genuinely love to hear your initial thoughts on our Engagement Summary Report. What do you like or dislike? What were you happy to see or what was missing? Please note this is just a quick poll, for longer responses please email us at haveyoursay@greatoceanroadauthority.vic.gov.au (max 140 characters).
Join the conversation today. Create an account or log in to share your thoughts and ideas.
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We acknowledge and respect the separate and distinct Eastern Maar and Wadawurrung Peoples as the Traditional Owners of the Great Ocean Road’s land, waters, seas and skies and acknowledge their cultural knowledge that has led to sustainable practices and has cared for Country over tens of thousands of years.
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