Past to Present - Photos and Drawings of the Cape Otway Lighthouse Precinct

We are looking to capture a shared history of the Cape Otway Lightstation. This will help us understand what the community values about this part of the coast. You can make contributions to this gallery until Sunday 16th June.

How to get involved.

Upload your favourite photos or drawings from yester-year or today. They can feature anything you think is of value, or help share a story. Add a caption. Add in when and where this image was taken or drawn and by whom (if you know).

Select what decade a photo was taken in to help us categorise and curate the collection.

Importantly please only upload photos that you are happy to share with us and have us share online and with project partners.

What happens next.

Once your submission has been reviewed and approved for public viewing you will be able to view your photos or drawings in the gallery section of this page.

Submissions will close Sunday June 16th.