Everyone is invited to help replant an area of the Lorne Foreshore

Come work alongside our Coastal Rangers to learn more about the indigenous species that we use to restore habitat and to plant some in the ground for future generations to enjoy. Everyone is welcome! An Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation representative will join us for the planting to share knowledge and ensure there is no damage to cultural heritage. This event is part of the Lorne Habitat Restoration Project.

When: Tuesday September 12th 2023, 10am to 1pm

BBQ lunch will be provided.

Registrations are essential. Please register your attendance below.

Things to know:

  • We will be out in the weather for three hours for the community planting morning. Please register wear weather appropriate shoes and clothing.
  • You may stay for as long as you like at the event. If three hours is too long, please come for however long suits you.
  • We know that planting plants is not for everyone. Everyone is welcome to attend, even if you do not want to take part in planting seedlings. You can still come and learn more about the indigenous plants and cultural heritage of the sites we will be planting on the day and join in the BBQ lunch.

Contact Us

For group registrations or for any questions about the planting morning, contact us below:

Email haveyoursay@greatoceanroadauthority.vic.gov.au