Project Overview

A new access point for walkers at Point Bunbury will be opening this winter.

This safe new route - starting from the car park on Trafalgar Street - protects environmental and cultural values, avoids exacerbating erosion and minimises the risk to public safety.

We're installing bollards to outline the route across a section of the golf course.

Safety netting and wayfinding signage will also be included in other areas to support users.

The new access follows the closure of a section of the informal walking track on the golf course between Point Bunbury and the Barham River.

We closed this section in late 2022 to:

  • Ensure community safety was maintained in the area
  • Protect the ecology and cultural heritage of the landscape

The closed section will be protected to allow natural regeneration, helping increase habitat and supporting the stabilisation of the primary dune, which has been impacted by erosion.

Construction of the new section is expected to be completed in August 2024.

Community engagement and track alignment

We heard from the community what a special part of Apollo Bay this area was and the strong desire to maintain access and connection.

We've worked with the Apollo Bay Golf Club, the Apollo Bay Community Voice and Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation to realign this short section of track and provide access to the spectacular headland.

Alternative track options were outlined in the Options Analysis Report Options Analysis Report.

The recommended track option, number 3, was endorsed by the Apollo Bay Golf Club Committee and Rights Holders.