
Project Update! - November 2024

Thank-you for providing your feedback for the Anglesea Family Caravan Park Playground! We have listened to this feedback and worked closely with manufacturer Moduplay Group to create a dynamic and inclusive play environment.

We are working with Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation to integrate cultural education elements throughout the playground that tells a story of Wadawurrung culture in the Anglesea coastal space.

Temporary fencing will be installed in late November 2024 in preparation for the works, which are due to be complete before Christmas 2024.

We're building a new playground at the Anglesea Family Caravan Park!

The new playground will replace the existing one located next to the toddler room and camp kitchen at the caravan park.

The playground upgrade will be designed to help kids aged 3+ to explore and celebrate the local coastal surroundings of Anglesea. It will have inclusive play elements, new play equipment and will be easily accessed from the toddler room.

By staying in our caravan parks, you help us reinvest in the coast and parks along the Great Ocean Road and vital upgrades such as these.

The images below show the existing playground at Anglesea Family Caravan Park.

Community Engagement - What We Heard

In order to design a playground that best meets the needs of those who visit the Anglesea Family Caravan Park, we ran an engagement process for four weeks in October 2023. Through an online survey we asked casual campers and annual permit holders what playground equipment they would like to see included in the new playground.

The chance to have your say was advertised to campers through an email to annual permit holders and casual campers who stayed with at the end of 2023. Signage and flyers were also displayed around the caravan park detailing the project, as well as a social media post on the Anglesea Family Caravan Park Facebook page.

The feedback we received throughout this engagement period has informed the design of the new playground and has also increased our understanding of what campers want to see in future playground builds.

Have Your Say

This survey is now closed. You can still click on the button below to see what we asked during the engagement.