Stay up to date with all things Great Ocean Road Coastal Trail. We will add updates here as the project progresses. To receive updates in your inbox, click the +Follow button at the top of the page.
Great Ocean Road Coastal Trail Update
A referral under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) for the Trail has been submitted. This Federal Government process includes a public comment period of 10 business days. This comment period is now open*. You can view more details or make a comment by visiting the EPBC Act Public Portal.
The EPBC Act and regulations are Australia's main national environmental legislation. They provide a way to protect and manage nationally and internationally important plants, animals, habitats and places.
A decision on whether approval is required under the EPBC Act should be made within 20 business days after the referral is received.
We’ll continue to keep the community updated as the assessment process progresses.
*Please note - the EPBC public comment period is now closed.
Great Ocean Road Coastal Trail Update
The Trail will become a nationally significant multi-day walk where visitors will experience sweeping coastal views, towering eucalypt forest, waterfalls, and hidden gorges.
It traverses Gadubanud Country along the Otway coast and will boast breathtaking views from suspension bridges and lookouts, as well as a proposed new hiker camp site, boardwalks, and river crossings.
Since the last time you heard from us, we’ve been working to continue to bring this new trail to life and we’re excited to share some of the recent updates with you.
Boots on the Ground: Enhancing the Great Ocean Road Trail Experience
Work’s been underway on two existing sections of the Great Ocean Road Coastal Trail — the Ocean View Trail and Sheoak Falls Trail. These improvements are designed to enhance both safety and enjoyment for all trail users.
Ocean View Trail
Upgrades have been completed along 2.7 kilometres of the Ocean View Trail, from Moggs Creek Picnic Ground to Ocean View Lookout. Key improvements to look out for include better water drainage, reducing the spread of Phytophthora (cinnamon fungus) and widened sections of the trail.
Sheoak Falls Trail
Over 3.1 kilometres of the Sheoak Falls Trail, between Sheoak Picnic Ground and Swallow Caves, have also seen major enhancements. The trail surface has been stabilised and reshaped for better drainage, and upgrades have been made to the stairs and the bridge leading to Swallow Caves.
These upgrades not only improve the experience for trail users but also strengthen connections along the broader Great Ocean Road Coastal Trail. We encourage you to explore these upgraded trails and immerse yourself in the breathtaking natural surroundings they offer.
Example before and after: Ocean View Trail and Sheoak Falls Trail
Design and Environmental Assessment Progress
We’re also pleased to share that the design and environmental assessment for the Trail project is underway. We’re working closely with both the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments to ensure all potential environmental impacts are thoroughly considered and that all necessary approvals are obtained before any works begin.
The Trail project will comply with all relevant state and federal legislation, including:
- National Parks Act 1975 (State)
- Water Act 1989 (State)
- Planning and Environment Act 1987 (State)
- Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (State)
- Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (State)
- Marine and Coastal Act 2018 (State)
- Heritage Act 2017 (State)
- Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) (Commonwealth)
- Environment Effects Act 1978
In early September 2024, we submitted a referral under the Environment Effects Act 1978 (EE Act). When a decision is made, details of the EE Act referral, the project and decision are published on Department of Transport and Planning’s website.
Additionally, a referral under the EPBC Act is scheduled for submission this month. This federal process will include a public comment period of 10 business days through the EPBC Act Public Portal. A decision on whether approval is required will be made within 20 business days after the referral is received.
We’ll continue to keep the community updated as the assessment process progresses.
Suspension Bridges and Major Lookouts
A public Expression of Interest (EOI) tender was recently released seeking a suitable design and engineering specialist to participate in a design exploration process for proposed suspension bridges and major lookouts to service the Trail. These will be significant pieces of infrastructure that will further contribute to unique visitor experiences, whilst showcasing the Otway landscape.
EOI submissions will be rigorously assessed before inviting a select number of firms to participate in a Design Pitch process to explore possible design concepts for the proposed bridges and lookouts. Community input and feedback on initial concept designs will be invited when they become available in early 2025.
Watch this space for further information as we continue to progress this exciting project!